After a couple of years of local PoP-up events the classic Pedal on Parliament mass ride is back to celebrate its 10th birthday in 2022, with a new route and time.
Saturday 23 April 2022 – save the date.
Spokes Porty is fully supportive of POP’s manifesto to promote safe and healthy active travel, and it’s aim of making Scotland a cycle friendly country.
Lots has changed since this first PoP in 2012, but our core message hasn’t – it’s time to make Scotland a cycle-friendly country. The experience of seeing so many people take to bikes and enjoy our streets when the cars disappeared during COVID lockdowns showed us what we’ve always known. People will cycle if the conditions are right. It’s up to our politicians to make cycling a safe and realistic option for everyone.
There will be a family friendly feeder ride setting of from Portobello. Timing to be confirmed, but we’ll be making our way up, via The Meadows, from the Prom at a leisurely pace and with enough time for a snack and a rest before the mass ride sets of from Chambers Steet for Holyrood.
We’ll meet at the Community Garden on Porty Prom for 10:45 in the hope of setting off at 11:00. That should get us to the Meadows for 12:00, half an hour for a snack and leg stretch then off up to join the ride on Chambers Street.
There’s a Facebook event here.
We have no fixed plans or times for the way home, a lot depends on peoples’ preferences on how long to stick around, but we can discuss this on the ride for those who may prefer to return in a group ride.
(This is not a led ride, we’ll all cycle together to offer moral and mechanical support but you’re responsible for you own safety.)
If you want to support PoP financially, as well as look fantastic on the day, you can buy some t-shirts and hoodies here.
Hope to see you there.